Patron Opportunities & Tickets for the International Women of Courage Celebration

International Women of Courage Celebration
Presented by
American Women for International Understanding
Since 2008
Patron donations help to provide grants to the International Women of Courage Honorees and to support AWIU’s mission to build bridges of understanding, goodwill and cooperation among women worldwide.
Your tax-deductible gift in any amount is greatly appreciated.
Deadline is February 15, 2021 to be acknowledged in the Program.
Thank you for your support.
AWIU is a 501(c)(3) organization
Bridges of Understanding
$ 10,000
- Forty tickets to the IWOC Virtual Celebration
- IWOC Celebration Program Acknowledgement
Impactful Interaction
- Twenty tickets to the IWOC Virtual Celebration
- IWOC Celebration Program Acknowledgement
Empowerment Through Education
$ 3,000
- Twelve tickets to the IWOC Virtual Celebration
- IWOC Celebration Program Acknowledgement
Women for Others
$ 1,500
- Six tickets to the IWOC Virtual Celebration
- IWOC Celebration Program Acknowledgement
Opening Doors
$ 1,000
- Four tickets to the IWOC Virtual Celebration
- IWOC Celebration Program Acknowledgement
Inclusion & Diversity
$ 750
- Three tickets to the IWOC Virtual Celebration
- IWOC Celebration Program Acknowledgement
Awareness & Appreciation
- Two tickets to the IWOC Virtual Celebration
- IWOC Celebration Program Acknowledgement
Individual Tickets
Other Donation
Donate by Check
Donations may be mailed to:
American Women for International Understanding
1900 East Golf Road
Suite 950
Schaumburg, IL 60173
For questions, please call 202-643-1194 or email