
Acting Locally,
Impacting Globally

AWIU has member chapters across the United States to provide in-person community as well as the opportunity to gather virtually. Chapters hold meetings and events to educate and inform attendees about vital international issues. Visit our chapter pages above to find information on chapter leadership and recent events. Both members and non-members are welcome to attend chapter events.

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AWIU DC Chapter Retreat

AWIU Chapter Locations

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Chicago Chapter

Chapter Chair: Janice Colom

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Los Angeles Chapter

Chapter Chair: Justine Wolcott

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Orange County Chapter

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Washington, D.C. Chapter

Chapter Chair: Ambassador Eunice Reddick
Co-Chair: Abbey Alpern

Photo of San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge

San Francisco Chapter

Chapter Chairs: Pending


New York Chapter

Chapter Chairs: Pending

Women helping women through conversations of leadership, women's issues, and global affairs.

Virtual Chapter

Chapter Chair: Noelle Newton

Support AWIU

AWIU is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID # 23-7273487

American Women for International Understanding
1900 East Golf Road, Suite 950
Schaumburg, IL 60173
phone: 202-643-1196 | email:

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