AFlanagin headshot

Annette Flanagi

In 2019, at the invitation of long-time AWIU member Onma Lwin DuMont, Annette Flanagin joined the honorary committee for that year’s IWOC Celebration. She subsequently attended several more, and arranged for her employer, Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) to become an IWOC sponsor. And now she’s a member!

Annette is Executive Managing Editor, JAMA, Vice President of Editorial Operations, The JAMA Network Journals (which includes JAMA and 11 specialty journals), and Executive Editor, JAMAevidence. She is a graduate of Georgetown University, with a B.S. in nursing and an M.A. in English Literature. Annette is Past President of the Council of Science Editors, serves as the Executive Director of the International Congresses on Peer Review in Biomedical Publication, and is a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing. She serves as Co-Director of the NIH-funded African Journal Partnership Project, and she is an author of the AMA Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors. “I have a keen interest in human rights and publishing research that identifies human rights violations and tests interventions to support survivors,” said Annette, who plans to involve herself in AWIU communications and the IWOC Celebration. Annette lives in Wilmette, Illinois, and joins AWIU’s Chicago chapter.

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