2022 AWIU Grants to Non-Profits
Central to AWIU’s mission is our commitment to strengthening the work of women across the world through grants. Early on, AWIU issued grants for individual women to travel to the United States for study. In the past number years, grants have been issued to organizations which enhance the wellbeing of women within a developing country. “We encourage grants for concrete projects, those with a beginning, middle and end, and with specific goals clearly defined,” says Marsha Niazmand, co-chair of the Grants Committee. Stelle Feuers, her co-chair, added, “The grants traditionally serve poorly educated, marginalized women and girls who would benefit from a project designed to meet their needs now and into the future.”
This year’s 14 grants were approved by the AWIU Board of Directors in May, 2022, drawing from a budget of $30,000. Of the group, six are returning organizations that have received previous grants from AWIU. Africa is home to 12 of these organizations. Two other grants were awarded to organizations in the Caribbean and India. Four of the grants were issued to organizations in countries that have not previously received an AWIU grant: Burundi, Guinea, Haiti and Sierra Leone.
Thanks to the Grants Committee for their hard work: Janice Colon, Stelle Feuers, Mary Pat Garr, Meg Huebner, Judith Jakaitis, Sharon Kolby, Linda Kukler, Marsha Niazmand, Eunice Reddick, Laura Schuldt
2022 Grant Recipients
Femmes En Action, F.E.A. (or Women in Action)
Hairdressing equipment and related training for unemployed women
Young Dynamic Youths (CYDY)
Maternal and child health education for internally displaced single adolescents and pregnant women
The Prince and Princess Academy
Building materials for three additional elementary school classrooms
Women Force Organization
Sewing machines and training for female bread-winners to embark on fashion careers
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast Mothers and Children Clinic
Nutritional support for children enrolled at the local village school and the completion of a vaccination room at the health center
Rwanda Children
Nutrition and hygiene training and gardening program for women and children
Sierra Leone
The Needy Today
Computers for an ICT Center where impoverished women and girls learn digital literacy skills
Women Arises Association
Guaranteed clean water via a new water tank for the Bwatale Community Hospital, which serves a six-village community
Divine Action (DARUDEFO)
Training women in the low-cost and environmentally friendly production of smokeless briquettes as an alternative to charcoal and wood fuel
Training, machines and supplies for teen mothers to learn tailoring skills
Training in the use of sewing and other machines to generate income from the fabrication of garments, sanitary pads, and shoes
Alpha Women
Raising pigs for food security
The Caribbean
Second Mile
Pre-natal and maternal care materials, medications, and midwives for delivery and post-delivery care
HOPE (Human Organization for People’s Enlightenment)
Bamboo handicraft training and tools to help women start a sustainable business