Leslie Schweitzer speaking at AUAF benefit Oct 6 D.C.

Event Recap: American University of Afghanistan 2021 Annual Awards Dinner

By Betsy Richman

AWIU President Tatiana Gfoeller, Washington Chapter Co-Chair Eunice Reddick and Passport Sydney West, an attorney and former Pentagon intern of Gfoeller, attended the American University of Afghanistan 2021 Annual Awards Dinner on October 6th in Washington, D.C.  The well-attended event organized by the Friends of the American University of Afghanistan (FAUAF) celebrated the 15th anniversary of the university, currently in exile.

The theme “Education will Prevail” emphasized the continuity of the university’s online programs and satellite network of campuses and partner programs around the world, including at the American University of Iraq Sulaimani in Kurdistan, the American University of Central Asia in Bishkek, and Bard College.

Qatar received special recognition for its humanitarian aid to Afghans in peril and its pledge to welcome an AUAF campus. AWIU member Leslie Schweitzer, founder of FAUAF and AUAF trustee, expressed appreciation for global support for AUAF’s mission to educate young men and women despite the current crisis in Afghanistan. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was presented with an honorary degree and participated in an interview on the situation in Afghanistan.

A silent and live auction elicited funds that will help Afghan students, both inside and outside Afghanistan, to continue their studies, and also sustain faculty and professional staff. AWIU has been a proud supporter of FAUAF over the years and was a Sponsor of the 2021 Annual Awards Dinner.

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