Doris Ríos is a recognized Cabécarindigenous leader and well-respected member of the China Kichá indigenous community. Ms. Ríos is involved in multiple influential initiatives to improve indigenous lives. She is the Vice-president of the National Indigenous Board of Costa Rica, which implements programs for indigenous communities centered around agriculture, animal care, reforestation, and cultural training. Ms. Ríos also acts as a consultant for legislators, executive and judicial branch institutions, international organizations, and civil society on how development projects or legislation may affect indigenous territories, helping to promote the “buenvivir” philosophy of living in harmony with one’s environment held by many indigenous peoples. As a member of the National Women’s Indigenous Forum, Ms. Ríos advocated for the participation of women in issues of security, sustainable development, peaceful defense of human rights, and the recovering of indigenous land. Ms. Ríos was also a member of the Indigenous Committees to Address COVID -19. She worked to raise awareness regarding the vulnerability of indigenous people and their limited access to vital resources and medical care during the pandemic.