American Women For International Understanding Hosts Career Opportunities For International Relations Symposium At The U.S. Department of State
American Women for International Understanding, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of State (DOS), presented the 2nd Annual AWIU Career Opportunities for International Relations (COIR) Symposium on Wednesday, March 23, 2016, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm at the Department of State, in the George C. Marshall Conference Center, 2201 C Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.
Shawn Dorman, Director of Publication, American Foreign Service Association and Editor of Inside a U.S. Embassy: How Foreign Service Works and Diane Mitchell Henry, Founder/Co-Chair, American Women for International Understanding Career Opportunities for International Relations.
AWIU promotes woman to-woman interaction and understanding worldwide. The AWIU COIR Symposium gives young women an opportunity to learn about international careers and engage with today’s leaders in the field. The AWIU and DOS COIR Committee is excited about this year’s theme “Passing the Baton.” Career panels during the day’s events focused on early career development for both public and private sector job opportunities. Eighty young women, ranging from high school seniors to young professionals, attended the event. Presenters included State Department Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Heather Higginbottom, State Department Counselor Kristie Kenney, former U.S. Representative Diane Watson and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources Carol Perez, who shared valuable advice on how to become empowered female leaders.
This is an invitational event for high school seniors, college and young professional women. Participants had the opportunity to experience a full day of gaining knowledge and information about international careers.