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Miranda Cohen headshot

Miranda Cohen

AWIU Interim Executive Director   Miranda's journey as an organizational development consultant has been shaped by a passion for international organizational and intercultural competencies. She recently accepted the role of...
Eunice Reddick 

Eunice Reddick 

AWIU Vice President and COIR Committee Chair   Ambassador (retired) Eunice Reddick is an AWIU vice-president, co- chair of the Washington Chapter, and co-chair of COIR 2022. She has been...
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Ambassador Tatiana Gfoeller-Volkoff

Ambassador Tatiana Gfoeller-Volkoff is the immediate past president of AWIU. She is the former ambassador to the Kyrgyz Republic whose foreign postings have included Poland, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the Soviet...
pooja pama headshot

Pooja Chandra Pama

Entrepreneur and Humanitarian Pooja Chandra Pama is AWIU's vice president emeritus, Special Operations, co-chair of the Washington, D.C. Chapter, and COIR.  An Indian-born American entrepreneur, Pama has comprehensive international business...

Maggie Sabbag

AWIU President Maggie Sabbag joined AWIU in 2015 and was elected to the position of president of the AWIU Board of Directors in January, 2022. Her work has encompassed emerging...
AWIU (27)

COIR is Coming: Shaping the Day’s Program

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead, American cultural anthropologist (1901 – 1978) ...
Dr. Jennifer headshot

Dr. Jennifer Hawkins

Senior Women, Peace, and Security Advisor, United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   Senior Women, Peace, and Security Advisor, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Dr. Jennifer Hawkins...

Passports Take on the AWIU World

Microfinance, housing and job opportunities for refugees in Los Angeles, and the Peace Corps were among the topics explored by 13 AWIU Passports in the first cohort of the revamped...
Orange County Meets with Nepali Grantee

Orange County Meets with Nepali Grantee

The Orange County Chapter met on Saturday, August 5th for a most informative meeting hosted by Sharon Kolby. The chief attractions were Prakash Bista, Shomi Bista and their six-month-old-baby girl,...
The Horn of Africa and Nepal

The Horn of Africa and Nepal

In May, co-chairs Stelle Feuers and Sharon Kolby hosted a discussion for Orange County chapter members on statecraft in the Horn of Africa. “I belong to a group focusing on...

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AWIU is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID # 23-7273487

American Women for International Understanding
1900 East Golf Road, Suite 950
Schaumburg, IL 60173
phone: 202-643-1196 | email:

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